October 2022 Ward 12 Report – Councillor Evan Spencer


Greetings Ward 12,

It’s October and we are just weeks away from the start of the 2023-26 Budget deliberations. The City has gone through various stages of engagement to collect feedback from Calgarians that will help inform decisions. If you missed that, I welcome feedback and would like to hear from you directly and compare it with the information from The City. Please visit evanspencer.ca/budget23_26 to get more information and access the survey to ensure your voice is heard ahead of the deliberations in November. You may also email [email protected] with your budget feedback and let us know what you believe The City should prioritize in this next four-year budget cycle.

Fall is a good time to get your snow and ice tires on your cars if you haven’t already. As the cold weather arrives, you can stay apprised of The City response at Calgary.ca/snow. Safety continues to be a concern for many Calgarians, and we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the 9PM routine. Check and lock your doors (both vehicle and home), remove valuables and door openers from vehicles, turn on an exterior light, and set a security alarm if you have one.

Have a great Thanksgiving and we look forward to hearing from you!

Ward 12 – Councillor Evan Spencer proudly serves the following Communities: Auburn Bay, Copperfield, Cranston, East Shepard Industrial, Mahogany, McKenzie Towne, New Brighton, Seton, Shepard Industrial, South Foothills