Hillhurst Sunnyside’s Community Planning December Update

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The Hillhurst Sunnyside Planning Committee (HSPC) is now meeting virtually – please contact Ali McMillan at [email protected] to get an invite. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. All residents, non-members, guests, and students are welcome. Join us online at on our Mighty Networks for details on how you can engage and learn about new planning and development projects in your area.

Planning and development applications that have been submitted to the City of Calgary these past two months are listed below. Please visit the City of Calgary’s Planning and Development Map to view details and discover how you can follow up with appropriate City staff for more information or submit your comments directly online. Most of the plans for applications in the neighbourhood are now available directly from Calgary.ca/pdmap if you click on the address.

In September/ October HSCA Planning Committee reviewed the following applications:

  1. DP2021-5401 – 1601 Bowness Rd NW – New Dwelling Unit, Office, Healthcare Service Building (1 building) – Tricor Design Group
  2. DP2021-7435 – 1702 Kensington Rd – Changes to DP2019-4866 – Dwelling unit with office
  3. 324 11St NW DP2021-5272 New Single Detached Dwelling with garage
  4. 615 2nd Ave NW DP2021-7313 New: Multi-Residential Development (1 building)
  5. DP2021-7521 223 9A St – JEMM Hive – New Live-Work Unit, Multi-Residential Building – LOLA Architecture
  6. 437 11a St NW – 7136 New Single Detached Building with Garage

You may wish to copy the HSCA (c/o [email protected]) and the Councillor’s office (c/o [email protected]) on your comments to the respective file managers, so we may track community responses.

A huge shout out to all the volunteers on our Planning Committee. It is a lot of work, and we highly value your contributions!