Parkdale’s President’s Message for February


Hello Neighbours!

It was nice to see so many people at our grand opening event on January 29! After working on the accessible rink project for the past three years, it’s amazing to see the project complete and the community enjoying a new feature that is inclusive and accessible for everyone.

I want to take a moment to recognize the Board of Directors, who had the vision to build a community asset that will be used by our residents and the broader community. We have created a space for everyone to enjoy.

Looking back, we broke this project down into two phases, primarily for financial reasons. We were able to complete the rink in 2021 with funding from Parks Foundation Calgary, Flames Foundation, Government of Alberta, Calgary Foundation, and ENMAX. The design of the rink was to sledge hockey standards, making the rink accessible. Features like, barrier free access, wider gates, and clear boards.

The second phase of the project was completed in January, which included constructing the support building, community gathering space, and ramps to the parking lots. This was funded by Municipal Stimulus Funding from the City of Calgary and Government of Alberta, Parks Foundation Calgary, Calgary Foundation, and Calgary Parking Authority. Overall, we completed a $2 million community rink that is Rick Hansen certified and meets sledge hockey standards.

While we were very successful with our grant writing, we would not have completed this project without the assistance of John Butterwick, Accessible Rink Director. A committed volunteer, who oversaw the project management of the design and construction over the past five years. His eye for the details and keeping the pace to meet timelines and budget was incredible to watch. Thank you, John, for putting Parkdale on the map as the first community in Alberta to have an accessible outdoor rink. You should be so proud of what you have accomplished for Parkdale.

Our Rink Operations Director, Andy Thiessen and Volunteer Engagement Director, Jean-Michel Pare have worked so hard to make sure our facility is ready. Managing the operational details and coordinating the Rink Rangers has been so exciting to watch. Andy has spent tireless evenings and weekends at the rink and being a part of the project team. Both Andy and Jean-Michel, thank you for making the rink ready for everyone to enjoy everyday.

I hope that everyone is excited about the rink and all that it has to offer year-round. John, Andy, Jean-Michel, and myself are examples of the volunteers in our community that are committed to making Parkdale a great place to live. If you are interested in joining the dedicated group of volunteers in Parkdale, please get in touch. It takes one idea, energy, and enthusiasm to make great things happen. Take a look at some of these photos of our children helping to shovel snow at the rink.

I look forward to seeing you on the rink this winter!

Amanda Affonso


