Chaparral’s April President’s Message


Good day Chaparralians,

Another month brings us closer to summer. That was one weird winter if I may say so myself… but the spring is upon us.

I wanted to share some exciting news with you right at the beginning. We were able to secure another Community Clean Up Event. It will be held on Sunday, June 12. As in previous years we will have some city garbage trucks accepting household garbage with some exceptions, we will also have the metal recycling bins and we are looking at having a couple of other “vendors” at that event. One thing that the city is changing up this year, is that there will not be an “organics” truck, because we found with the usage of green bins, there has not been a huge demand for that service. The Event will start at 9:00 am and will go until about 2:30 pm. The location, as usual, will be the overflow parking lot by the Lake Chaparral Entrance and we will be looking for some volunteers to help with this event – please reach out to the Chaparral Community Association Board through our website or via email [email protected]. We will be communicating the details about the event closer to the date.

Just a few quick house keeping items:

  • As a reminder – please remember that the playground zones are still a thing, and the speed limit is 30 km/h and passing is not permitted; unfortunately, I see the speeding and unsafe passing daily.
  • Please pick up after your pets, it is getting very obvious when the snow is melting that some people think it is a pretty optional thing. One thing that really puzzles me, when I see a “baggie” tied up on the ground 2 feet away from a garbage can… c’mon people – this is pure laziness,
  • Our website is live, and we are adding new content to it pretty much daily. Check it out to find some useful links, information about local events, and use the website to purchase or renew your community membership. Also, remember we are on Instagram and Facebook – please follow us.

PS. We, Chaparral CA, have a few things planned for this spring/summer season, like opening a couple of upgraded playgrounds and collaborating with LCRA on the Stampede and summer events and if everything goes according to plan – it should be a fun one.

As usual, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.

Anton Ovtchinnikov, CCA President