Deer Run’s March Message from the Board

DeerRun mb

March is Community Association Awareness Month

Were you aware that there are over 150 Community Associations in Calgary? These community association are run by more than 20,000 volunteers! A Community Association (CA) brings neighbours together through events and programs. They are also strong advocates for their communities.

Did you know that Deer Run CA is run by volunteers from our own community? These volunteers, whether they are on the CA Board, part of the Rink Ratz, taking care of our Facebook page, or helping at our events, are a huge reason why Deer Run is such a good place to live.

To find out more about your Deer Run Community Association (DRCA), our programs and facilities, please check us out on our Facebook page at and website

How can you help us to continue to serve the residents of Deer Run?

  • By buying a $30 annual membership (check our website for details).
  • By supporting our events and programs.
  • If you have a business in the area, by offering discounts to our members. Our Community Business partners are included in our newsletter and on our website. There are also periodic mentions on Facebook.
  • If you are a realtor in our area, consider purchasing a Community Membership for your clients when they buy homes in Deer Run.

Thank you for participating in any way that you can.

Susan Mitchell

[email protected]

Memberships Director, Deer Run Community Association