McKenzie Lake’s December News from the Office

MLCA cn Mckenzie Lake ML CA

Hello Residents of Mckenzie Lake!

Welcome December! New month, new chapter, new page, and new wishes. A month of celebrating, happiness, joy, hope, lights, friend and family gatherings, and food and candy! May everyday fill you with hope and love.

We held our first ever drive-in movie…Quarantine-o-ween! We want to thank all the drivers who were patient while we tried to figure out the best parking arrangements so everyone could see the screen!!

At the time of writing this, it is not clear what event we may be hosting for Christmas. Once it is planned, we will advertise.

McKenzie Tots is still not available due to COVID concerns. This was very popular among both caregivers and children, and it is hoped that at some time it can restart.

A big thank you to everyone who participated in our annual Cookie Dough fundraiser by placing orders for yourself, or even approaching friends and family for orders. The cookie dough is expected to arrive by December 7.

There will be another Chair Yoga session from January 18, 2021 to March 16, 2021. Registration will open December 1, 2020. Please note that a minimum of 6 registrants are required for the class to run.

The community centre will be closed for maintenance from December 24 to January 1.

Following the closure, Pickleball resumes on January 11 with a $5 drop-in fee from 9:30 am until 12:30 pm. We are presently also offering Pickleball on Thursdays at the same time, but this will likely be temporary.

We would like to give a huge thank you to a few board members who have stepped down. Thank you, Kim Johnson for stepping up last year to volunteer as Director at Large. We are sorry to see you go. Andrea Poole has acted as the Newsletter Director for 11 years, keeping the community up to date with events and programs for the Gazette, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! Your work and contributions were amazing! We’ll miss you! Janell Hurdman was the Playground Revitalization Director. With all her hard work and determination, Mt. Aberdeen Park was revitalized! We applaud you Janell!

Have a wonderful Christmas season and a Happy New Year!

Laureen Husband

Facility Administrator