North Glenmore Park’s October President’s Message

NGP pm

by Karen

Hello Neighbours!

I am writing this message for the last time as I will resign from my role as President at the upcoming AGM. It has been a fascinating tenure, and it would not have been possible without the amazing support of the staff at the community association, particularly Leah, Renee, and Karen. I look forward to staying connected and involved and continuing to support the community by buying my membership and volunteering when we return to in-person events.

I encourage you to purchase or renew your community membership if you have not yet been able to do so this year. And with that membership, ensure you attend the AGM on Monday, October 26, 2020 at 7:00 pm. All safety protocols will be in place, and we would love to see your smiling eyes (assuming faces will be covered by a mask). Halloween may be interesting this year and I look forward to seeing the fun masks people wear.

If you have some time, I highly recommend volunteering on the community association board. The people are amazing, the work is important but not too heavy a load, and the sense of connection you will have with your neighbourhood goes up exponentially.

Happy fall, Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Halloween!