Rutland Park’s Traffic and Development Report for July


by Leanne Ellis, VP Development and Traffic

[email protected]

I would just like to highlight what has been happening/ going on behind the scenes this past month, in no particular order:

  1. Thank you, Paul and Holly P. for paying for the printing of, and delivering many of, the Richmond Green flyers. Thank you, Fern S. for printing and paying for Richmond Green lawn signs. Thank you, Ronald C. for donating some lawn signs too. Thank you all for your support of Richmond Green Park!
  2. Danny Greene originally joined us as a director after our AGM but has been unable to attend meetings, so he has stepped down. Thank you, Danny for considering us for your volunteer time.
  3. Dave joined our development committee after the AGM but is stepping down as a committee member. He will continue to work on the Restrictive Covenant survey we agreed to conduct at our AGM. Thank you, Dave for continuing with this initiative.
  4. The City held a Virtual Open House for Richmond Green on May 4. Unfortunately, Councillor Woolley took the opportunity to make negative comments about Rutland Park as part of his presentation. We were not given an opportunity to respond. We requested that he provide specific examples so that we could address any concerns he may have. He did not respond. We have requested a public apology from him. None was received. We have now escalated this to the Mayor and City Council.
  5. We continue to oppose the land use amendments for the upper baseball diamonds at Richmond Green. We have reached out to the Ward 8 Candidates with our concerns and will soon reach out to other candidates across the City with the intent of making this an election issue. We will continue to provide updates via our electronic newsletter and via Facebook. It is anticipated that this application will go before Council in July. We will need a strong virtual presence at the Council meeting to stop this process.

If you have not already signed up for our email updates, please do so at our website, The City often gives us very short notice for upcoming events, and this is the quickest way for us to reach you. Please also join us on Facebook at Rutland Park Community Association, and Currie Community. Thank you for your ongoing support.