Have You Started Your 9 p.m. Routine?

locked house  e
Sephelonor / Pixabay

Over the summer months, the number of break and enters in Calgary increases by 20 percent. More than 44 percent of break and enters are preventable by simply locking a door, shutting a window or removing a garage door opener from a vehicle parked outside.

In response to these alarming numbers, the Calgary Police Service (CPS) is reminding citizens to ensure that their vehicles, garages and homes are always secured, especially before going to bed. The 9 p.m. Routine serves as reminder for Calgarians to do just that.

Every night at 9 p.m., you are encouraged to:

  • Remove all valuables from vehicles, including garage door openers.
  • Ensure that vehicles are locked, windows are closed and if possible, parked in a garage.
  • Close all garage doors and windows.
  • Lock any person-doors in the garage, especially those leading into a house.
  • Check that all house doors—front, back, side and garage—are locked.
  • Make sure that all windows are shut, even if it’s hot.
  • Turn on an exterior light so that neighbours and people passing by can see if someone suspicious is on your property.

In Calgary, 50 percent of all break ins happen between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., which is extremely concerning as many citizens are home sleeping with their families during that time.

By creating a routine before going to bed you can help protect your house and your family. To make sure that you never forget to lock up, get all family members involved in the 9 p.m., including your little ones. It’s also easier to remember to complete the 9 p.m. Routine by combining the task with another nightly routine, such as brushing your teeth.

Follow the Calgary Police Service on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for reminders to complete the 9 p.m. Routine, and for more crime prevention tips.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/CalgaryPolice

Twitter: @CalgaryPolice

Instagram: @CalgaryPolice