Braeside’s Garden Bed Project Plant Donation

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A successful community plant donation closes the Garden Bed Project for this year.

We held our first plant donation on September 21 to great success. A total of ten people came out to donate 50 plants of 15 different types and dig holes to christen our two new beds.

Thanks to Brenda R., Brenda B., Brenda S., Janice J., Melanie, Amanda N., and Jim J. who supplied lilies, asters, hostas, elephant ears, irises, brown eyed susans, hens and chicks, narcissus, potentillas, and several more I lost track of, they were coming in so fast.

Thanks to Doug G., Matt S., Brenda R., and Amanda for the professional hole digging and Brenda S. for the placement expertise. Can’t wait for spring to see how it looks. The plan for the second bed containing native pollinator species is almost finalized thanks to Karen, Brenda, Dawn and will be planted next spring.

You can contact the garden committee at [email protected]. We hold monthly meetings and will be starting a new round of projects for next year this month.

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