Willow Ridge Community News – March

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What’s in the Works for WRCA for 2021?

The global pandemic will continue to have a major influence on what your board and staff will be able to accomplish in the coming year, and our fingers are crossed that we can all work together to reduce the impact of the coronavirus, and soon implement some much-needed programming and social events in the coming months.

In addition to trying to get our little community business back on its feet and serving our users and members in a manner that we know we are able; we also hope to focus your Board’s efforts on a handful of other key initiatives this year.

  1. Our tennis courts and soon to be new pickleball courts should be the last major ($100,000 +) project that we will need to complete for hopefully a long time.
  2. Our five-year business plan needs to be rewritten this summer. Our ongoing strategic planning process will be a key driver in helping us determine which goals we should try to accomplish in the next five years.
  3. Although your association remains financially stable, we will still need to seek additional revenue sources to ensure our long-term stability. We are not in the business to make money, but in order to provide the services and programming that we would like, at a reasonable cost, we need enough revenue to cover our overhead and build our capital fund.
  4. We are embarking on a capital budgeting process, to help the board prioritize and make strategic based investment decisions for the many projects we have in our capital projects wish list. What does that mean in plain English? We need to figure out how much money we have available to invest in our community, and then decide what we need to spend our money on first in order to accomplish our strategic goals.
  5. We are getting closer, but our use and mastery of technology, and the tools that we have available to us to make our work easier, still needs a bit more attention.
  6. We are a handful of board members short of an optimal sized board, with enough critical mass to share the load and support each other without having too many cooks in the kitchen.

There will of course be many new and exciting initiatives that might come forward, and your board looks forward to supporting each other, or volunteers, in what they want to accomplish. If someone has a great idea that strengthens our community and is willing to put in the time and effort to see it through, the board and myself will find the resources needed to help!

If any of the above initiatives sound like something you could help with, please contact [email protected]!

Don Boykiw