Edgemont’s June President’s Message


What could be my very last President’s Message is being written in the middle of May, just days before the electronic Edgemont Community Association AGM. With any luck at all, Edgemont now has a new Board of Directors. Board composition is driven by directors reaching the ends of their terms, retirements, and the injection of newly elected directors. 2021 is already shaping up to be in very good hands! This is the end of my term as ECA President, and it’s a pleasure to thank all of the 2020/2021 directors that have served the ECA during the past year! The new ECA President will have some more details for you in the July edition of Inside Edgemont.

What is known right now, however, is that we have some directors retiring: Connie Boucher, Brent McConnell, Brett Plaizier, and Jo-Ann Wither. While all directors serve on the board in many roles, Connie has ably concentrated on ECA Programs and Communications Committees, Brent on Area Planning and Programs, Brett (who has escaped to BC after long service) on the Communications Committee and lately an instigator of the Disc Golf course, and finally Jo-Ann, a particularly long serving director who has chiefly dedicated her efforts towards the Enhanced Landscape Maintenance (ELM) Committee. For six years, Jo-Ann has successfully steered the ELM Committee from its inception, after the LEAF Petition, through to the ‘Five-Year ELM Reaffirmation Vote’ which was soundly passed earlier this year. On behalf of the Edgemont Community Association Board of Directors, as well as the Edgemont Community at large, it is an honour to thank these retiring directors for their dedication and service to our community.

Just like FORMER (this never gets old!) President Trump, the pandemic continues to be in the news, and for many of the same reasons! The ECA has continued to alter the plans and programs at the ECC, and the remarkable staff are adjusting to the changing Alberta Health Services directives as they are proclaimed. COVID-19 requirements have led to several cancellations of our outdoor as well as indoor activities, and ECA will reschedule the events as the AHS guidelines permit. When in doubt, you can call or email the ECC Office, [email protected], to discover the status of an ECC Program. A recent event casualty is the Nordic Rodeo. Originally forecast for this summer, it has been moved to Summer of 2022. Watch this space because Nordic Rodeo will be awesome when we can finally get the event scheduled.

The Building Administration Committee (BAC) is moving forward at all available speed on getting the repairs underway to the exterior of the ECC. Immediately after the final engineering report was received from the City of Calgary, the Board had a special meeting which passed the motions required to authorise BAC to initiate the repairs. These include meeting with the City, initiating grant requests, determining the scope of duties, and preparing to tender the work. Everything takes more time than one thinks it should but, but with the pandemic already creating reductions and closures, the sooner the work gets underway, the less impact the work will have on future renters and guests of the ECC, especially when the ECC is actually allowed to re-open as usual.

Remember that your ECA Board’s emails are listed on the inside cover of this newsletter and up to the moment ECA information can be found in the new website, http://www.edgemont.ab.ca.

Consider joining a committee by letting the ECA know of your interests or expertise.


Bill Kirk