Key Things to Know About in December in Riverbend!

Riverbend cn

Stay connected to all things Riverbend at, and Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @riverbendyyc.

Riverbend Fall Fair – Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who came to shop at the Riverbend Fall Fair. We had a wonderful variety of local vendors as well as yummy food from YYCFoodtrucks.

We are very grateful for all the support from 77th East Glenmore Scout Group with the venue set up and tear down. Thank you to all volunteers from Heritage Lions and Little Steps for checking COVID-19 vaccination records at the doors to ensure our event was safe for the community. Last but not least, huge thank you to Tammie Voisin-Best, Volunteer Event Lead, for organizing all the details of the event!

Recap – Annual General Meeting

Thank you to everyone who participated in the virtual AGM. We had a great discussion about the results of the 2021 Community Engagement Survey, as well as Community Beautification projects and ideas. Please read the highlights of the meeting in the newsletter or a full recap on our website at

Annual Kids Christmas Party

Don’t miss this exciting event organized by Riverbend Girl Guides and funded by the Ward 11 office. We will have free photos with Santa, snacks, crafts, and activities. We ask everyone to pre-register online and select a time slot to ensure COVID-19 safety protocols are followed. See details and register online at

Results Highlights – 2021 Community Engagement Survey

After spending significant time on analysis of the results, we are excited to share key findings with the community. We obtained a representative sample for ages 24 years and older and the response rate of 3% (which is much higher than the typical expected rate of 1 to 2%). RCA will use the results to inform our upcoming strategic planning as well as prioritize future activities.

Please see the newsletter for a detailed infographic with results.

Join The RCA Team!

According to the Community Engagement Survey, 72% of residents find that ‘raising awareness about safety and crime prevention’ is very important, and 68% find ‘addressing traffic concerns’ is very important in our community. We are looking for a volunteer passionate about traffic and safety and crime prevention to join the Board of Directors team as Director, Traffic, Safety and Crime Prevention.

We are also looking for someone interested in supporting the business side of running the RCA organization in the role of Director, Business Administration.

If you are:

  • Excited to work with new technology
  • Capable of problem solving independently and as part of a team
  • Able to thrive in a virtual work environment
  • Looking for an opportunity to work with a professional and qualified team
  • You have business experience and/or are wanting further meaningful experience for your resume in the field of HR, Finance, Business Administration, Governance, Facility Management, Project Management, or Systems Implementation

Please see more details and apply online at

New – Fitness Programs Starting in January 2022

We are very excited to bring back community favourite programs such as Tai Chi and Dance Fitness. In addition, we will be offering three types of new Yoga classes: Yoga for Beginners, Gentle Yoga, and Multilevel Yoga. Please see details in the newsletter and register online at

Please note that program participants will be required to present valid COVID-19 vaccination documentation prior to entering the facility.