Southwood’s President’s Message for December


Just like that, we are in the last month of the year! As I write this, I am shocked at how quickly this year has gone by, especially with all the ups and downs that we have been experiencing. I truly hope that everyone is well and can enjoy what is left of 2021.

In 2022, we are looking to host several smaller events throughout the community. If you have anything in mind that you would like the CA to support you on, please contact myself or Christine at [email protected] with your ideas. We are very interested in hosting events in the different areas of the community so that everyone can benefit from them.

A friendly reminder as we enter the winter months to take a moment and lend a hand to a neighbour in need by shovelling their sidewalks. Many people walk throughout the community and a clear sidewalk does help make our walks safer, especially in the dark. It only takes an extra five minutes to clear your neighbour’s sidewalk, and who knows, maybe they will help you out on the next snowfall!

Soon, the City of Calgary will be installing an Engagement Library at the community hall. For this, they are looking for feedback on the Heritage Communities Local Area Plan (HCLAP). The HCLAP is a long-term planning document that is currently being created by the city with help of representatives from the 10 communities comprising of the area. Once this document is approved by Council, the policies will become statutory (law) for any future development taking place in our community. For more information on this please go to Any questions or comments you have on this plan, please reach out to me.

This has been a roller coaster of a year with closures, openings, masks, no masks, and vaccine requirements! Although the CA has not been as busy with our regular events, we have seen some great improvements to the Community Hall with the new mural and improvements to the upkeep of the grounds. We hope that we can continue working on improving this area to make it a great place to gather.

I want to wish you and your loved ones all the best during this holiday season!

From my family to yours, Happy Holidays!
