Springbank Hill’s President’s Message for December


As we prepare for the upcoming holiday period, this is a great time to review our accomplishments for the past year and look ahead to the new year. While it has been a unique and challenging year due to the ongoing COVID pandemic, I am pleased to say that our community association was able to continue operating at a level that allowed us to provide certain services to our community despite the restrictions we faced. Like everyone else, we were impacted by the pandemic, but we found a way to overcome those limitations in a safe manner. As we indicated at our Annual General Meeting on October 27, we were able to hold several events during the year including the Pumpkin Hunt, the Spinning in the Park Fundraiser, Yoga on Zoom, our weekly Broxburn Vegetables Mobile Farm Stand at Valleyview Church during the summer months, and the Spring Valley Park Community Cleanup event. We unfortunately had to cancel our annual adult social event but hope to schedule that event again in 2022. We also successfully operated our two winter ice rinks while maintaining social distancing requirements, and we ran a modified children’s soccer program this past spring. Most notably we completed construction of our new community garden at the community park, and it opened for initial usage in June of this year. With our newly elected board of directors, a group of 14 volunteers including 3 new board members, we are planning for another productive year in 2022. We do have an aggressive capital project plan and pending receipt of several grants we have applied for; we hope to make good progress in completing the projects on this list.

Thanks to all our members for your ongoing support of our community association. And should you wish to get more involved as a volunteer please send us an email at [email protected] and we will get back to you with more details.

On behalf of our board of directors, I want to wish you and your family, a safe, joyous, and prosperous holiday season!

Elio Cozzi

President, Springbank Hill Community Association