Kincora’s January President’s Message


Happy New Year Kincora!

The KCA looks ahead at 2022 with some exciting news; we are bringing back our Winter Festival! At the time of writing this, we haven’t confirmed a date but watch our website, the community sign boards, and our Facebook page for a time and date. It of course will be out at our skating rink; featuring free helmet and skate rental, free horse drawn sleigh rides, free refreshments, and some other surprises. It’s a great time to get out and try skating for the first time, meet your neighbours, or take a ride on sleigh and pet a horse.

I’m happy to welcome two new board members to our Association. However, we do have room for two more board members at present. For now, these roles would be “Director at Large” which means you join the board and help out with activities and committees where you can. Learn how the board operates and if you see a role that you’d like to chair, we would than change your title. 2022 looks to be an exciting year as we bring back many of our outdoor events. If you’re interested, please contact me at my information below.

Our skating rink is up and running, there are shovels in the bin for all to use. However, if we have a large dump of snow, we do need volunteers to help clean. Our rink committee is always looking for extra volunteers. If you want to come out and see how the ice is made and maintained, run the snowblower, or just contribute to your community, come out and join us. Same as above, please contact me to find out details about coming out with the rink crew.

Lastly, I’m always wanting to hear from our Community. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Call or email and we can discuss our great neighbourhood.

Travis Merrick

President, Kincora Community Association