Mission’s January President’s Report


Keep up to Date – Sign Up for Email Updates

Things can and do change, and quickly. The newsletter is not frequent enough to communicate things that are changing on short notice in the community association, the community centre, and community events.

To keep up to date, please register your email near the bottom of our website at www.cliffbungalowmission.com.

COVID-19 Update

At the time of writing this column (December), COVID-19 has not gone away, so there are restrictions for those attending our Jazz night events and such:

  • Face masks are required except if you are sitting and drinking a beverage.
  • All attendees must show proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours.

We are not starting Potlucks, Board Game Nights, or Trivia Nights at this time.

We will update on any changes through emails, etc.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday, November 24. The theme of our AGMs is celebrating our community. We still had lots to celebrate even though this has been a challenging year. There was a small in-person attendance and the rest were online.

The following is the new Board for the next year: Bob Lang – President, Ted Knudtson – Vice President, Rick Williams – Secretary, Lucy Arellano – Treasurer, Nicole Butz – Communications Director, Selin Bilgin – Environment Director, Julie Brache – Heritage Director, Zaak Karim – Planning and Development Director, Melissa Parcels – Social Director, and Brandon Hossack, Danning Huang, Rob Jobst, and Mo Saipour as Directors at Large.

Lynn MacCallum stepped down as Environment Director and Marilyn Williams stepped down as Heritage Director. We thank them for their service and contributions to the community.

Seven people were presented with a Community Hero Award. More details are provided elsewhere in this issue.

Many people helped make the last year successful in spite of the challenges we faced. We thank everyone who helped during the last year.

We Need Help Keeping Our Social Media Platforms up to Date

Are you active on various social media platforms? Would you like to help keep our social media platforms up to date? You would be working with our Communications Director, Nicole Butz. This could be either a task specific position or possibly a larger role as a Director at Large. If interested (or curious), contact Bob Lang at [email protected] and Nicole at [email protected] and we can set up a meeting with you.

Do You Remember the Big Wave?

The house which once stood on the southeast corner of 5th Street and 23 Avenue SW, had a Big Wave painted on the 5th Street side of the house. When those houses were to be demolished, that painting was removed and kept in storage until recently. It has been reinstalled on a garage (address unknown). It is nice to see a part of our community history preserved.

Credit: Chad Saunders

Thanks Sue

I received an email recently from Sue Gryzenhout. They currently live in Roxboro House, but in the new year will be moving to Cochrane. She is the former coordinator of the Cliff Bungalow Community Garden. She has helped us in several Lilac Festivals, and she was chair of the condo board of Roxboro House. Thanks, Sue for your contributions to the community.

Another Passing

Another resident with connections to our community has passed away. Her name was Yvonne Hebert, a daughter of a French-Canadian family. She was an active and strong advocate in the Francophone community in Calgary, of which our community is the cradle. She had a PhD and was a professor. She attended the Francophone events held in our hall. Later in life, she moved to Fountains of Mission and attended CBMCA events such as Jazz. Unfortunately, Alzheimer’s took over her life and she passed way on December 1 at the age of 79.

Save the Dates – Casino 2022

We have been slotted by AGLC for a casino on Sunday, May 15 and Monday, May 16, 2022. This is an important fundraiser for our community. We have not had a casino since 2018. Gaming funds help pay for a significant portion of our community centre operating costs. We will need your volunteer support to make this casino happen. We will send out an email in the early new year.