Glenbrook’s February President’s Message


Hello again Glenbrook,

As we move into February, we can look forward to winter soon coming to an end. As with last year, this winter has again come with constantly changing COVID-19 restrictions that we all must deal with. Before the return of spring temperatures, we should take the opportunity to thank our rink volunteers who have been working hard to keep our rinks open throughout the winter. The rink workers each volunteer their time to make and maintain the ice all season besides having full-time jobs, and it has been cleaned and repaired consistently this winter for everyone to enjoy.

Many of our normal activities are still on hold as we wait to find out what can move forward and what needs to be postponed or cancelled due to the pandemic. We hope to still host our spring community clean-up day and other upcoming events, but we need new volunteers to help organize them. Without community members stepping forward to help out, Glenbrook is at risk of losing these events. Your commitment does not need to last for an entire year, or any set amount of time – even if you are willing to help with one event, we would be happy to have the assistance.

Lastly, a reminder to please continue being patient as we move forward with our lives. Take care of each other, be understanding and kind to one another, and remember that we are still in this together.

All the best,

Murray Ost, President

Glenbrook Community Association

[email protected] | 403-616-4644