Key Things to Know About Riverbend in April!

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Stay connected to all things Riverbend at, and Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @riverbendyyc

National Volunteer Week April 24 to 30

The National Volunteer Week theme for 2022, Volunteering is Empathy in Action, affirms the strong connection between volunteerism and empathy. This profoundly human connection is at the heart of healthier individuals and stronger communities. Volunteering can help us develop empathy, to see the world through the eyes of others. It can connect people from diverse backgrounds and life experiences, expanding our views. It can build our capacity to work collectively and contribute to a vibrant, inclusive society. Volunteering, putting empathy into action, can build communities where people feel happier, healthier, and more welcome – creating stronger, more connected communities.

Volunteers are at the core of every community, and they definitely are the wheels that keep Riverbend Community Association rolling. We would like to thank all volunteers involved in our community, as well as welcome the new volunteers who joined RCA Team:

  • Clayton Bischoff – as Volleyball League Coordinator
  • Brenda Pereira – as Director, Traffic Safety and Crime Prevention
  • Amit Khare – as Director, Business Administration

Please see our website,, to find out more about the RCA volunteer team.

Community Beautification

Please read a detailed update about Riverbend All-Season Rink Makeover Project and an update about 27 Riverbend Drive playground replacement in the newsletter. We would also like to share ideas about how all Riverbend residents can get involved in making our community more beautiful by volunteering with City Adopt-a-Park and Litter Cleanup programs. Please read more details in the April issue.

New Fitness Programs starting in April 2022

We are very excited to bring back community favourite programs such as Tai Chi, Dance Fitness, Yoga for Beginners, Gentle Yoga, and a new Yoga and Pilates. Please see details in the newsletter and register online at

Exciting Community Events Coming Soon!

Community Clean Up

The annual Community Clean Up event is coming on Saturday, May 7. The event is hosted in collaboration with Millican Ogden Community Association and will take place at Jack Setters Arena parking lot. We are recruiting volunteers to support the event. See more details on our website at Make sure to review detailed information about accepted and unaccepted items on our website,

Riverbend Farm Stand

We are very excited to announce that as part of the City of Calgary’s Farm Stand Program, RCA will be hosting Michelle’s Market between May and October on Friday mornings at the community centre parking lot. This is a great opportunity to bring more fresh Alberta fruits, veggies, and artisanal products to our community. Stay tuned for more details.

Spring Parade of Garage Sales

Start your spring cleaning and decluttering right away as the Spring Parade of Garage Sales is coming on Saturday, June 11! Thank you to Remax realtors, Bart Lamb and Tarryn Hamilton, for hosting the event for our community. Please register online at so your location will be added to the map. The electronic map will be available on our website and hard copies will be available for pick up at the community centre on the day of the event.

Join The RCA Team!

If you are:

  • Excited to work with new technology
  • Capable of problem solving independently and as part of a team
  • Able to thrive in a virtual work environment
  • Looking for an opportunity to work with a professional and qualified team
  • You have business experience and/or are wanting further meaningful experience for your resume in the field of HR, Finance, Business Administration, Governance, Facility Management, Project Management, or Systems Implementation.

We are looking for someone passionate about documentation and records management for the role of the Board Secretary and someone with event planning background for Director, Programs and Events.

We are also looking for a volunteer to join the Communication Team as the Volunteer Editor for Riverbend Connects. See details in the newsletter.

Please see more details and apply online at

Book Your Next Event at the Fabulous Looking Community Centre!

After many months of full and partial lockdowns, we are very excited to be fully open! Community Centre has undergone several renovations, including replacement/refinishing of all flooring, replacement of all appliances, brand new furniture, kitchen and bathroom upgrades, and many more. Make sure to check out the virtual tour of the facility on our website

We are now accepting facility booking requests online via our website! You can also see room availability on our online calendars. Support your community by hosting your next event at our fabulous looking community centre!

Our People, Our Community

Do you have a story relating to our community to share? Know of someone who does and should be featured? Let us know! We have a volunteer eager to connect and write the stories about our community. Email us at [email protected].