Cambrian Heights President’s Message for May


With the Community Hall back to active usage, including our Fitness and Yoga programs, we are looking at initiating new programs whenever possible. In that process we are hosting our first ever Bike Day on May 7 where volunteers will service children’s bikes for free at the community hall grounds. Activities for the kids with their bikes are also planned that day. See the poster in this newsletter issue as well as our website ( for full details. We are also testing the interest in music lessons with an information session being held on April 28 followed by a first group lesson May 8. Details may be found on our website and the poster in this issue.

We are hosting the return of our Wine Events on Saturday, May 28 at the Community Hall. This will be a tasting of southern France wines with Highlander Wine and Spirits providing the expert commentary. Ticket sales will be through our website. Please see the poster in this issue or access our website for details.

Unfortunately, we were unable to host a Community Cleanup this year but plan for its return next year. However, the community cleanups throughout Calgary are open to anyone and are free. While the 2022 schedule has not been published by the City at this point, we encourage checking on the City website ( for the Cleanup schedule of neighbouring communities.

We have scheduled our Annual General Meeting for June 28 at 7:30 pm in the Community Hall. We will be hosting this event with a social reception to follow allowing everyone the opportunity to informally discuss issues important to our residents. Put this on your calendar and contribute to the discussion that evening. We hope to have representatives from our Councillor and MLA offices.

We are planning an afternoon family music and food event on Saturday, September 17 at which the Gunn Blues Band will be performing an outdoor music concert that was so well attended last year. We plan to have additional activities for the family as well as food and non-alcoholic beverages available. Consult our website for more details in the coming months.

With the pandemic there has been a sharp increase in the usage of our park space in Cambrian Heights. We encourage residents with ideas that may be considered for these park spaces to improve usability and help preserve the parks within our community. This is particularly important as developments that increase population density continue to be promoted by the City.

As we approach summer, we remind residents of the $100 Block party subsidy available through your Community Association. Bringing your neighbours together is a great way to promote the spirit of friendship and enjoy the warm weather with outdoor cooking, activities, and social interaction. Explore this idea by emailing [email protected] for more information.

We have all noticed an increase in home sales, renovations, and new builds over the last 12 months in Cambrian Heights. This trend is expected to accelerate during 2022. We encourage all owners planning a new build to reference our website for the document “Lessons Learned” and discuss design aspects with your neighbours or explore conversation with the Community Planning Committee to avoid conflicts in the development process. We also encourage anyone interested in playing a role in the development of our community to consider joining our Planning Committee. Please contact the undersigned for further information.

We continue to encourage all residents of Cambrian Heights to provide feedback and ideas to us identifying what type of programs and activities you would like to see for our community. We continue to need a Social Director to help develop and coordinate activities within our volunteer base. Please talk with any director or email [email protected] for more insight into this valuable role. Your suggestions and potential voluntarism to enhance your community are always valued.

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA