Southwood’s President’s Message for May


Happy May Southwood!

We are fully into spring, and as the days get longer, the weather warmer, and the grass greener, I hope you are well!

Annual General Meeting

The AGM will be taking place on June 16 starting at 7:00 pm. This year, we are looking for some eager community members to join our Board of Directors. The following positions are open for 2022-2023. To get a sense as to what the commitment is, I have included the average number of hours each position requires.

  • Vice President (10 hours per month)
  • Director of Development and Traffic (5 hours per month – may go up some when a big application is being reviewed)
  • Director at Large (at least 1 hour – may change based on the committees you are on)
  • Director of Communications – new position!! (5-10 hours per month)
  • Director of Social Media – new position!!!! (5-10 hours per month)

What is a Community Association?

Some of you may have wondered what a community association is and why we exist. Community Associations are volunteer-run, non-profit organizations that have been part of Calgary’s fabric for over 100 years. The role of the CA is to provide social programming and amenities, support safety initiatives, and act as the local planning advisory committee. Bridgeland/Riverside was the first CA, which was established in 1908. It wasn’t until the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s where the number of CAs began to grow. Today, there are 151 CA’s within over 190 communities!

Social Work Assessment

Over the next couple of months, a social worker with the City of Calgary will working on an assessment of Southwood. Some of you may have had the chance to talk with Binu, but if you haven’t, he would like to hear from you! Some things that he is interested in hearing about are:

  • Strengths and challenges to living in Southwood.
  • Programs and services you would access if they were offered in Southwood.
  • How you might want to become involved in community.
  • Socials issues affecting you and your neighbours.

On May 4 and May 12, the CA will be hosting a couple of in-person sessions with Binu. The session on May 4 will run from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, while the one on the 12 will be from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Everyone from your household is welcome at these sessions. We will have activities for the kids and some refreshments also! We will be hosting everything at the Community Hall. If these dates don’t work for you, take a moment to email Binu: [email protected].

Our next board meeting will be on Thursday, May 26, starting at 7:00 pm. It will be taking place in person as well as virtually. At our board meetings, we will be going over what we have accomplished over the month and what our plans are for the upcoming month.

Please reach out with you have any questions about the board positions or the Social Work Assessment – [email protected].

All the best,
