Rosemont President’s Message for February

Rosemont cn

The quick rundown:

  1. Winter Festival – February 11
  2. Shinny Volunteers
  3. Hall Rentals
  4. Secretary Position

Howdy Rosemontians! I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.

It seems like everyone is pretty busy getting back into the swing of things after the holiday break so it’s great to see all the kids back in school and everyone out in the park on beautiful days.

We will be hosting a fantastic outdoor winter event with our friends at Rosemont School and possibly some special guests. Join us down at the hall on Saturday, February 11 for some hot beverages and food, ice skating, tobogganing, live music, and maybe a few treats. We are finalizing details as I type this so visit for the specific time and more details. All ages are welcome so don’t be shy and come on down. We will also have the hall open so if it’s a bit nippy out, you can warm up too.

Our shinny program is in full swing, and the kids seem to be having a great time! Even though we’re halfway through, feel free to reach out if you would like to volunteer either with coaching or organizing. This terrific program relies on volunteers like yourselves and it’s a great way to get some fresh air one night a week. Don’t hesitate to give us a shout at [email protected] or else you’ll become a Wayne Regretzky. I know Canadians like you always bring your ‘eh’ game. I should probably stop or my wife will ice-olate me…

And of course, the ice is being extremely well used this winter, and it is in fantastic shape thanks to the work of the ice guys. I’m not sure everyone is fully aware of how much effort goes into keeping this ice amazing. As of writing, the guys have spent over 25 nights and easily 400+ volunteer hours this season. That’s pretty incredible and is a testament to our community spirit. Thanks again for the hard work, guys!

Hall rentals are booking up fast for the upcoming year so definitely check out if you are hosting an event (residents get 10% off). And a reminder that we have Hall A in the basement available for rent on weekends which is great for birthday parties and smaller gatherings.

Would you like to spend a couple hours a month getting involved with the community and hanging out with a cool group (including yours truly)? We are looking for someone to help with the secretary position on our board. At only a few hours a month, it is a great way to meet new people and help us organize our thoughts and have input into events. Give us a shout if this sounds like something up your alley.

Lastly, keep an eye out for an email blast as we may do another family movie night in March. And if you have ideas or suggestions for events, programs, or ways to improve the community, let me know as we love hearing different ideas. It was suggestions from the community that have brought great things like our Christmas Market, Winter Festival, and Family Movie Nights.

Thanks again for reading all the way to the end (my ears tingle every time someone does). As always, keep looking after family, friends, neighbours, and yourselves.
