Auburn Bay’s Notes for April 2023


With spring nearing it is amazing how busy things are, and with working full-time, I struggle to find energy and motivation to do all the extra volunteering that I have done in the past. Please ensure to check out our website and Facebook pages as that is primarily where we will be sharing information as it comes together.

If you haven’t seen it, the north end of the lake (Ave and Drive) is now a three-way stop, there was a bit of chaos on the first day as some drivers didn’t even notice the addition. We are still asking the city why the intersection of the Ave and Blvd by Auburn Bay School isn’t a priority with the amount of traffic there each day, and they are looking into the matter.

A number of local residents are still pointing out the lack of community content in this newsletter, and we wanted to remind residents of a few items. Great News Media prepares and prints this newsletter, and generously allows the Community Association and the Residents Association to share our information in it for free. They have given us additional space if advertising revenue allows for it, but unfortunately, we have been asking for a volunteer to help pull together more community content for a number of years. Just a reminder that many of the programs and events that happen outside of Auburn House and the lake are done by volunteers. We all donate our time and efforts to help make our community better, but we cannot do it all on our own. If you want to see more community content in this newsletter, then we need you to step forward to help. Jennifer P., who does up the recipe of the month stepped forward on her own to provide that content to be included. My favourite community saying is “volunteering is the price you are willing to pay for the community you want to live in!” What does your community have to offer? Free Stampede Breakfast? Free Parade of Lights? Free Community Cleanup? A Community Garden? All of this happens with the price volunteers are willing to pay.

The replacement of the CA shed is in a holding pattern as we are still awaiting answers from the City on which permits we need to pull in addition to raising the money to pay for it. If you know of a company that would be interested in donating, please ask them to email us at [email protected] or call the CA number listed below. We have gotten a few new quotes from local businesses on a replacement, but now we have to raise the money to pay for it. The City has generously offered to extend our lease on the current unit for an additional year to give us additional time.

Save the date! We have been given the day of May 27 to host the City of Calgary Cleanup. We have confirmed that in addition to the garbage and composting trucks we will have electronics, metal, and donations on hand. Still needing to confirm car seat/mattress recycling and household paints. We will be using the Prince of Peace school parking lot once again, with access only from the north side of the school.

In order to consolidate some of our events/resources, we will be hosting the Annual Auburn Bay Cleanup on May 27 as well. It is your opportunity to give back to the neighbourhood and the green spaces/parks that you enjoy. We will be supplying free bags, vinyl gloves, and refreshments to volunteers to come out and clean up Auburn Bay. I am hoping to have enough volunteers and interest in pulling together a BBQ this year now that COVID restrictions have been lifted.

May 6 is the expected date of the Auburn Bay garage sale parade. The realtor who hosted it in the past is retiring and we are just awaiting further confirmation of the current realtor taking it over. Details will be shared on our website and Facebook pages.

The City is just reviewing the final revision of the drawing for the Community Garden space, once we have that approval, we will share that information with the community. Hopefully, it will inspire others to get involved to see the dream come together. We have submitted an application for a grant that would cover the $90k to complete the space. If you are interested in putting your name on the list for the 2023 Community Gardens spaces, please go to

Auburn House (Auburn Bay Residents Association) is hosting a Free Seniors Event every Tuesday from 1:30 to 3:30 pm, and they would like to extend an invitation to residents to come out and enjoy an afternoon of refreshments, conversation, and potentially games with others. They noted that guests are welcome to attend as well.

The Community Kitchen Good Food Box program continues to grow (and we reached a new record of 45 boxes) each month and is a great opportunity to get affordable and delicious produce. You can get a small box (approximately 20 to 25lbs) for $25, medium (30 to 35lbs) for $30, or large (40 to 45lbs) for $35, delivered once a month. Please check out the post on our website for the google form to place your order.

Auburn Bay has a large number of Facebook groups. There is a pet group, seniors group, grillers group, ladies group, food lovers group, gardening group, community garden group, ladies clothing exchange group, business group, buy-nothing group… the list is nearly endless. Make sure to go and check these fabulous interest groups out.

Finally, a reminder that the next CA online meeting will be our AGM on April 12, followed by May 10. These meetings are open to everyone, and we look forward to having you there for your input and participation. The links to join in the meeting are available on our website. We have also uploaded the minutes from the past meetings as well.

Carla Obuck

Sports and Events Director, Auburn Bay Community Association (ABCA)