CKE’s President’s Message for May

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As I write this message in mid-April, we are finally seeing some warmer weather, and it’s starting to feel like spring!

I hope you all had a great spring break, and you were able to spend some time with your families! The CKE Easter party was a great success. Thank you to Suzanne Brown for organizing and to all our volunteers who put on such an amazing event! I hope you were able to make it out. Our next event is the Spring Market on Saturday, May 13, check the website for more info.

A reminder that our CKE Community Hall is a fabulous place to host events! It can accommodate corporate events, birthday parties, weddings, anniversaries, social events, and more! It is available for rent on an hourly or daily rate, so please get in touch with Jen at [email protected] if this interests you.

Also, it’s around this time that our Tennis and Pickleball courts open for the season. If you would like to get access to our amazing courts, please check out our website at

If anyone wants to chat at any time, please feel free to reach out via email at [email protected].

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