North Haven’s Community Garden Update for May

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Great news! Our NHCA Community Garden is opening this spring, and there are plots available for anyone interested in cultivating or growing plants. Head to our website for information on how to register.

We have two upcoming events in May:

Fence Building

Saturday, May 13

Help with installing a chicken-wire fence around the community garden. There will likely be many odd jobs to get the plots ready for Garden Opening Day.

Garden Opening Day

Saturday, May 27

Let’s get growing! This will be the official opening day of our plots and will provide ample opportunity to help people get their plots started, access and organize tools, and contribute to maintaining shared spaces.

Join us for these events and register for a plot to meet likeminded individuals to grow fresh, healthy produce for yourself and your community. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something special here in North Haven.

Click here to the North Haven Community News home page for the latest North Haven community updates.