Thank You for a Successful Oakfest!


Well, wasn’t that a blast!

Oakfest was a huge success, a great party, and a good time was had by all!

A huge thank you to our volunteers at the door and liquor ticket table, Donna Knight, Barb Yau, Barry and Jennifer Pendergast, Doris Evans, Lynn Giddings, Gary and Louise Haerle, Kelly Krebs, Darcy Johnstone, and Amanda Bonelle. Thanks to those that volunteered to set up and clean up, Sue Ellis, John Killam, Dale Evans, and Brian Pedlar.

Thank you to the Dance Committee, spearheaded by, Dave Thomson, Rachael McCarthy, Steve Hunter, Terry Kemp, and Gary Davies for all of their hard work getting this event off the ground! From their first organizational meeting until the last twinkle lights were taken down, the Oakfest committee worked tirelessly to make sure we all had a great time!

Last but not least, thank you to Sergeant Bankonin and Constable Taylor for being present and assisting in making this a very cool event!

The scuttlebutt has it that Oakfest 2024 is in the works and that it will be bigger and better next year! Stay tuned!

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