Hidden Valley’s Message on Woodpeckers in the Community

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Woodpeckers Knocking on Your Garage Door or Drumming on Your Metal Chimney Cap?

While some people are working from home still, they might hear the drumming of one of the many woodpecker species native to Calgary. Or you may have noticed driving on your street, the taped over holes of your neighbour’s garage doors! While it is an annoying season that can cause a lot of damage, the Northern Flicker Woodpecker is protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act in Alberta and once they have nested and laid eggs, they are illegal to move.

Here are some tips for protecting your home and potentially your sanity!

• Check for bugs in your siding.

• Prevent nesting; cover your vents with mesh or reflective tape around the outside.

• They do not like loud noises, chase them off by banging on a pot or clapping.

• Discourage them with visuals; plastic snakes or predatory birds help, or strips of aluminum, shiny streamers, or even a shiny Mylar balloon.

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