Auburn Bay Notes for August 2023


Summer is going by so quickly; we hope you are having a wonderful holiday.

Our Stampede Breakfast was another great success with over 2,300 people being served. We tried to do something different this year to help with correct garbage disposal by hosting a waste station where people simply deposited their plates and items and volunteers sorted it accordingly, which allowed for us to be able to compost nine bags of food waste, which was half of the garbage collected. Hopefully, next year we will figure out an option for the plastic cutlery because that was the majority of the nine bags of garbage that we had to take to the dump for disposal. Everyone seemed to enjoy the wagon ride, petting zoo, DJ, and marching band. Thank you to all the amazing sponsors and volunteers that stepped forward to make this another successful event.

Remember that with the hot, dry weather comes the high risk of fires, please make sure that you dispose of any burning material accordingly. If you smoke at home, note that planters can be full of peat moss which can catch fire. Please don’t toss lit cigarettes out of a vehicle window as most grass fires start that way.

The community garden continues to grow, and we are looking forward to another great year. We are still trying to find options to lock the water tote valves, to prevent them from being drained. We are just awaiting the delivery of the six fruiting trees that will be added to the site as part of the City of Calgary orchard program but expect that it will be a couple of years before we will see fruits: cherries, apples, and pears.

The City of Calgary’s Farm Market Stand is back in Auburn Bay, with Broxburn Farms providing a variety of locally grown produce. The market will be set up in the Auburn Bay School parking lot on Saturdays from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. I had the opportunity to stop by and pick up some items to try and found that they were definitely more flavourful than store bought options.

I will have an update on the Casino Fundraiser held on July 26 and 27 in the next edition. I hope we will be able to find volunteers to fill the final few spaces.

The Community Kitchen Good Food Box program continues to grow each month and is a great opportunity to get affordable and delicious produce. You can get a small box (approximately 20 to 25lbs) for $25, medium (30 to 35lbs) for $30, or large (40 to 45lbs) for $35, delivered once a month. Please check out the post on our website for the google form to place your order. Next order date is August 15 for August 25 delivery.

Auburn Bay has a large number of Facebook groups. There is a Pet Group, Seniors Group, Grillers Group, Ladies Group, Food Lovers Group, Gardening Group, Community Garden Group, Ladies Clothing Exchange Group, Business Group, Buy-Nothing Group… the list is nearly endless. Make sure to go and check these fabulous interest groups out.

Finally, a reminder that the next CA online meeting will be September 13. These meetings are open to everyone, and we look forward to having you there for your input and participation. The links to join in the meeting are available on our website. We have also uploaded the minutes from the past meetings as well.

Carla Obuck

Sports and Events Director, Auburn Bay Community Association (ABCA)

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