September 2023 Ward 6 Report – Councillor Richard Pootmans


Hello Ward 6,

Back to School Reminder

As we begin another school year, I ask that you take extra caution when driving through school zones in the morning and afternoon. Thousands of students will be returning to school, and I want to remind us all to be attentive in the designated zones and student loading spots. Check with your child’s school traffic coordinator on the rules in the pick-up/drop-off zones.

Also remind your children to be extra attentive walking across the street. Put away devices, dismount bicycles, and look both ways before crossing.

Wishing everyone a safe and fun school year!

Ward 6 Open House

Save the date! On Wednesday, October 4 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, I will be hosting our Ward 6 Open House at Rundle College (7379 17 Avenue SW). The Ward 6 office staff and I will be on hand to address any questions or concerns that you may have. Other City of Calgary attendees will include representatives from Mobility, Parks, Waste & Recycling, Transit, Neighbourhoods, the Calgary Police Service, and many more. We look forward to seeing you there!

Follow us on our social media accounts and ensure that you are up to date on all our community events!

Keep in Touch

Have you signed up for our digital newsletter? You can do so on my website at

Keep up to date with all the latest from your Ward 6 Councillor! Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn:


Twitter: @pootmans


Warm Regards,

Councillor Richard Pootmans

Ward 6 – Councillor Richard Pootmans proudly serves the following Communities: Aspen Estates, Aspen Woods, Christie Park, Coach Hill, Cougar Ridge, Discovery Ridge, Glamorgan, Glenbrook, Glendale, Medicine Hill, Patterson, Signal Hill, Springbank Hill, Strathcona, Wentworth, West Springs, Westgate