Banff Trail’s President’s Message for September


Time has flown and we are nearing the end of the 2022/2023 BTCA board term. What a busy year it has been! While this board term has had more than its fair share of challenges, I am grateful for the time and effort so many volunteers donate to the Banff Trail Community Association. From those who maintain our grounds and garden, to those who plan and run events, to the board members who bring it all together, volunteers are the very heart of our organization. We truly could not do all that we do without the dedication of time and talent of so many wonderful volunteers.

I love the Banff Trail community and it has been my honour to serve as your president these past three years. I get a great deal of satisfaction from giving back to my community in this way and I encourage you all to consider getting involved in some way next year. It does not have to be as formal as joining an official committee or board position. It could be as simple as donating an hour or two of your time to help with the setup or take down of an event, participating in the community association yard cleanup, helping with rink maintenance, or helping to organize an event you want to see happen at the hall! It is true that many hands make light work. If we work together, we can make Banff Trail the best community in Calgary!

Our Annual General Meeting is going to be held at the hall at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, September 27. I encourage you all to attend to meet with your neighbours, hear the updates from the outgoing board of directors, and assist in the election of the new board. I look forward to seeing you all there!

Rolland C. Lequier


Banff Trail Community Association

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