Bridgeland’s President/Editor’s Message for September


As you can see from the cover of this issue, the “Bridgeland” sign has been repaired and repainted. Thanks to our lovely volunteers Christina and Glenna (shown in the photo) for turning up to help with the painting of the repaired sign. While Bridgelan, Bridgela, and Bridgela-La-Land no longer mark the 9 Street entrance to our community, they are not forgotten. There may even be a possibility for you to get a mememto to remind you of this quirky period of our neighbourhood’s interesting history. Stay tuned.

In other developments, the confidence I expressed last month in the completion date for the repairs to the community hall was premature. Further repair work led to the discovery of additional smoke and soot damage which will need to be addressed. Our initial estimate of the repair cost of $250,000 has now doubled. We have now been told the repairs should be finished around the third week of September, so our hall re-opening event will hopefully take place in October. Again, stay tuned for further details.

Thank you to all the volunteers and local businesses who participated in the many events and activities that occurred during the summer. There was a lot going on in the neighbourhood, particularly on weekends, all of which contributed to a very lively buzz throughout the community. As we head into the fall, please consider getting involved with your neighbours in any of the many initiatives going on in Bridgeland.

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