February 2024 MLA Report – Calgary Foothills – Court Ellingson

Calgary Foothills

Greetings from the Calgary-Foothills Constituency Office,

It was great to meet many of you and enjoy a beautiful winter afternoon with friends and family at the Evanston Skate Shack Event. Spending time together on days like this is how we build community and get to know our neighbours. We look forward to many more community events in the future.

We had a great turnout at our Your Pension is Yours, Pension Town Hall hosted together with Julia Hayter, MLA for Calgary Edgemont on January 23 at the Dalhousie Community Hall. The Canada Pension Plan is recognized globally as one of the best managed pension funds. The governance model of the CPP means the investment decisions are independent of government. We know that larger funds provide greater stability to all the beneficiaries of the fund. Leaving the CPP puts this at risk.

My role as your MLA is to listen and advocate. To be your voice in the Legislature. Hosting town halls is one avenue for us to connect with you. We will keep you informed of my activities, and address concerns with education, health care, and the future of our economy.

A reminder that you can keep up with my work by following me on social media: @CourtEllingson. Don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] to volunteer or learn how your MLA can support you!

MLA – Calgary Foothills Court Ellingson proudly serves the following Communities: Arbour Lake, Citadel, Kincora, Nolan Hill, Royal Vista, Sage Hill, Sherwood