February 2024 Ward 1 Report – Councillor Sonya Sharp


Hello, Ward 1!

2024 has been off to a busy start. Here’s the latest news in Ward 1 and from City Hall.

Property Assessment Notices

Property tax assessment notices were mailed out on January 3. If you have questions or concerns about the assessed value of your property, or if you haven’t received your notice, you can contact Assessment directly at<a href="tel: 403-268-2888“> 403-268-2888 or visit calgary.ca/assessment. The City’s Customer Review period runs from now until March 11.

Switch to paperless eNotices of your property assessment before March 31 and you could be entered to win one of four Visa gift cards worth $250. More details at calgary.ca/gopaperless.

Blanket Rezoning

As part of its Housing Strategy, Council approved recommendations last fall to begin the process of changing the zoning of single-family properties across the city to the “R-CG” district. This would allow the construction of townhouses or duplexes on most residential properties in Calgary without an individual hearing before Council.

This is a significant change that requires public engagement. Affected property owners will receive notices by mail on how you can participate in the coming weeks.

Council will be holding a public hearing on this blanket rezoning change on April 22, 2024. Members of the public are welcome to speak to Council or submit written feedback. All members of Council are required, by law, to remain amenable to persuasion during this hearing. Learn more at calgary.ca/publichearing.

Single-Use Items Bylaw

The City’s single-use items bylaw took effect on January 16. While the bylaw does not ban any materials, it requires businesses to charge a minimum fee for paper and reusable bags, and to offer food ware accessories like straws, forks, napkins, or packaged condiments on request only. Learn more about this change at calgary.ca/singleuse.

Chinook Blast

Get outside this winter! Chinook Blast, Calgary’s winter festival, runs from February 2 to 19. Learn more at chinookblast.ca.

Ward 1 – Councillor Sonya Sharp proudly serves the following Communities: Bowness, Crestmont, Greenwood-Greenbriar, Rocky Ridge, Royal Oak, Royal Vista, Scenic Acres, Silver Springs, Tuscany, Valley Ridge, Varsity Acres