SBCA Snippets for June

The summer solstice rolls around on June 20! It’s time for spending more time outdoors, going for walks and meeting neighbours, enjoying picnics in the park, finding the best ice cream in our communities, and playing sports!

The Somerset Bridlewood Community Association held its AGM on May 1. We’re excited to announce our 2024 Board and welcome all our new and returning executive member and directors! You can find a list of the Board members in this month’s issue of the Somerset Bridlewood Beacon.

If you would like to join us for our monthly meetings, we’d love to see you! They are held in-person on the first Wednesday of the month at Cardel Rec South. You can also attend virtually. Watch for our notices on our Facebook page: @mysbcacalgary.

Keep your eyes on our social media and our website for details about our planned Neighbour Day celebration, as well as our upcoming Parade of Garage Sales. Our monthly Crafter’s Circle sessions will continue through the summer – if you’re in need of an air-conditioned time to socialize and work on your knitting, crocheting, stitching, or other craft, please join us!

To promote awareness of Alberta Seniors Week on June 3 to 9, the Canada Revenue Agency is holding two online presentations. “Be Scam Smart” will be held on Monday, June 3, at 10:00 am, and “Seniors Benefits and Credits” is on Tuesday, June 4 at 10:00 am. If you are interested in attending these free programs, please email to receive the MS Teams links.

We continue to offer the Good Food Box at the Somerset depot. If you’re interested in purchasing a box filled with fresh fruit and vegetables organized by the Community Kitchen of Calgary, please email for information about schedules, orders, and delivery.

Enjoy the start of your summer!

Click here to the Bridlewood Community News home page for the latest Bridlewood community updates.

Click here to the Somerset Community News home page for the latest Somerset community updates.


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