June Message from the KRA

Kincora cn

This month in Kincora, we kick off summer with the KCA’s Parade of Garage Sales on June 1, 2024! If you have missed out on this wonderful opportunity to declutter, and build community, check out the Simco portal calendar! More information regarding community events will be posted here.

We would like to thank all community members who participated in the Kincora and Symons Valley Park Annual General Meeting. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with other communities and elected officials regarding projects that have a positive impact on our community.

As such, we would like to welcome our own community members to share their voices at the KRA’s AGM on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Symons Valley United Church. If you cannot make the meeting in person, and can attend virtually, please submit a proxy that is available through the Simco portal. These proxies allow our association to continue with projects and continue our community board.

The KRA appreciates all community members who have HOA accounts in good standing. We would like to issue a friendly reminder to community members with unpaid HOA fees, arrear interest will be updated at the end of the month. For any questions or concerns, please reach out to Kali at [email protected] to arrange payment, as some accounts will be sent to legal collections. Please visit the Simco communication portal www.simcomanagement.ca, and the KRA website for more information regarding annual fees and payment information.

There is a new landscaping company that will be taking care of our 2024 annual planting, the KRA would like to extend our deepest condolences to Able Landscaping, with the loss of their owner, Wayne.

The KRA will be taking a brief break over the summer months, we wish everyone a happy and safe summer!

Take care of yourselves and each other

Kincora Residents Association

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