Discovery Ridge’s Homeowners’ Association News for July

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Thank you to our members and guests who attended the NDHA AGM on June 7; it was by far the largest turn out in years! Your attendance and input were appreciated. Thanks also to our members who were unable to attend but still took the time to complete their proxy vote. By doing so you allowed the NDHA to proceed with the business of keeping our community one of the most beautiful in the city! Meeting minutes and the slide presentation can be viewed on our website under the “Annual General Meetings” banner.

The NDHA would also like to recognize our resigning board members who have volunteered their time and effort to Discovery Ridge. Millard Mathews (six years), who held positions of Vice-President and Director of Digital Implementation, and Janell McDonald (four years) who quarterbacked our team by serving as Secretary. Thank you to these former Directors who have selflessly served the community. You will be missed!

The NDHA is looking for new volunteers to help carry the load, so we aren’t forced to hire a management company. Non-board positions are also available. If you are interested, please contact us!

Throughout the summer you will see ULS on site working to maintain our green spaces and medians. The NDHA requires ULS to adhere to all Occupational Health and Safety protocols, including appropriate safety barriers, pylons, and signage when crews are working in roadway areas. Please slow down. Working in the medians with cars whizzing by is stressful and dangerous; ULS is here to make our community beautiful. Please give them a “brake”!

If you have questions or concerns about ULS, contact the NDHA so we can be made aware of any issues. Please do not engage with ULS crews directly. Abuse of their staff is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

NDHA-Funded and Managed Projects for This Summer

• Mulch Program: Mulch was added to all remaining medians and shrub beds not done last year. This two-season project is now complete, meaning the entire community has received new mulch over 2023 and 2024. Mulch helps to conserve soil moisture and mitigate weed proliferation, which benefit our tree and shrub installations.

• Wood Bench Rejuvenation: The City has given us permission to sand and re-stain wood benches in City-owned parks; we will also compete the ones on NDHA-owned lands. A few benches are owned by the City Parks Foundation branch; these will not be touched.

• Foliage Replacements: Warranty replacement of dead trees in TUC median at our entrance, as well as any failed shrubs planted last year, will be carried out. New plant installations will also occur where mulch was applied this year. Quantity will be budget-dependant and locations will be identified in advance, in accordance with various landscape maintenance agreements. We will do our best to fill in the most obvious gaps first.

Additional small-project information can be found in our AGM slide deck, online. The community will see ULS crews carrying out remediation work in many other locations over the summer. Heat without rain is hard on new foliage but our truck-watering program will help along the medians. If you see a shrub bed or tree struggling in the greenspace or park near your home, however, please don’t hesitate to occasionally water it. The ULS truck cannot enter these spaces. Thank you!

Fires In Our Parks

While we all love the proximity to nature and the wild spaces we have in Discovery Ridge, concerns about illegal fire activity always increase in the summer months. This worry extends to both Griffith Woods as well as in the natural (ungroomed) spaces within our community boundary. “Bush parties” in both locations occur regularly, usually involving teens and young adults. A wildfire in Griffith Woods or in any of our community natural grassland areas could be devastating to the adjacent homes. There are no legal fire locations in Discovery Ridge natural (wild) spaces or Griffith Woods, so do not hesitate to call 9-1-1 to report any fire activity you observe! Help the fire and police departments out by using your phone to pinpoint the location for response.


Do you have questions about fences? Trees? A City Right-of-Way? RV and Trailer Parking? What is the difference between NDHA and DRCA? The NDHA has a fabulous FAQ section on our website for you to reference for answers! Please visit our website:

Outstanding Fees

The 2024 NDHA fee of $325 was due on June 29. We would like to thank our members who have paid their fee on time, and ask that those who have not, please remit immediately. If you are unsure of your payment status, please access your membership portal on our website. If you have questions or concerns, you may contact the NDHA treasurer at [email protected] or our Membership Director at [email protected]. Please reference your property address.

We are quite proud of how our community looks and hope you are as well. If you happen to notice an area that might need attention such as a flower bed being missed or damage incurred due to storms or other factors, please let the NDHA know. We are always happy to hear from our members; please access our website at to send an email or call us at 403-237-9595.

Have a wonderful July! Safe travels to all!

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