Evergreen’s Traffic and Safety Update for July

Evergreen cn

Please slow down, drive safely, and watch out for each other!

Community Traffic

Traffic Around Schools and on the Streets

School is out for summer. Longer daylight hours and will mean more kids around the schools and playgrounds. Please slow down! Do not allow your inattention and speed to be the cause of an accident. Watch out for the kids and tell your kids to watch out for the cars! Slow down! 40 km/h is the speed limit on unposted roadways.

Just a reminder that as of May 31,2021, the speed on all unposted roadways became 40 km/h. It has been three years, and we are still witnessing cars travelling faster than 40 km/h on our side streets. Find out more and what the speed limit is on your street at www.calgary.ca/saferspeed.

Traffic Survey

Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the survey! We are going through the results and will be sharing them with our city transportation contacts, and with the community schools. We will work on potential solutions over the summer.

Community Safety

9pm Routine

It is important that we all get in the habit of following the 9pm routine. Every night before you retire, check your property to make sure everything is locked and secure.



If you know and trust your neighbours, let them know when you will be going on vacation and how they can get a hold of you should they notice anything odd or suspicious. This way you can avoid your neighbours calling the police on your cousin that came over at midnight to feed your cat.

Neighbour Card

One way to break the ice and get to know your neighbours is with the Neighbour Card. With this you can learn the contact info of the homes around you. Helpful for when you notice suspicious activity or even if someone accidentally left their garage door open. A community that knows each other, is a safer community.



Once again, if you witness any traffic or safety issues on an ongoing basis, please take the time to both report it to us at [email protected] or [email protected] and also via the Traffic Service Request directly to the police. This can be done at http://www.calgary.ca/cps/Pages/Traffic/Traffic-Service-Requests.aspx.

Non-emergency calls can be made to the police at 403-266-1234.

Please report road and sign issues to 3-1-1. This can be done by calling 3-1-1, or online at http://www.calgary.ca/CS/CSC/Pages/311.aspx or at the app website http://spot311.calgary.ca.

If you have any traffic or safety questions or concerns, or wish to comment on anything written here, you can email either [email protected] or [email protected].


Paul Bushell

Traffic and Safety Director

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