Haysboro’s President’s Message for July

Haysboro cn

Happy summer everyone,

Up to the time of writing, the board was busy preparing for the Annual General Meeting on June 26. By now, at the time of issue, we have a new board of directors consisting of new and previous members. More details will be provided in the August issue. We also have a new President! Stephanie Thomas has stepped back from the role for this year. In her own words, “Since our daughter’s arrival in February, our hearts are abundantly fuller, but so is the calendar.” We hope to see Stephanie back again when the right time comes.

After spending over a year on the board myself, I now appreciate how much the association relies on its members to step up when they can and step back when they need to. Board membership is a revolving door of new and past members, and this works to maintain vitality. For those that have the capacity and an interest in seeing new amenities or programs in our community, please step up! The board is not a mould to fit into. Instead, it is sculpted by its members, adapting to their interests, passions, and skills.

Earlier this spring, The City reached out to the HCA to commence engagement on an exciting new project. The Heritage Communities Local Area Plan identified the need for mobility improvements along Haddon Rd and 89 Avenue, and the City has announced its plans to implement these projects. See https://www.calgary.ca/planning/transportation/pathway-bikeway-plan.html for more details and watch out for City engagement events over the summer.

That is all for this month. Enjoy the summer!


Vice-president (2023-2024)

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