Hidden Valley’s Message on Good Neighbours

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Good Neighbours vs. Bad Neighbours, Which One Are You?

The majority of us try our best to be friendly and respectful of our neighbours because they do live next to you. Not to mention taking pride in ownership of our homes and surroundings keeps property values up. But every once in a while, there’s something that a neighbour ends up doing that puts you in what is typically referred to as “between a rock and a hard place”. As much as you want to ignore the situation, you can’t because it makes your community life a little less pleasant. These types of situations often end up with a complaint filed with the City. Penalties can range from $50 to $2,500! Here are a few reminders that will help create mutual respect and consideration.

1.) No pets off leash in undesignated public spaces.

2.) No noise nuisance. No loud noises from 10:00 pm to 7:00 am or 9:00 am on Sundays.

3.) Avoid overgrown lawns. Any grass or herbaceous plants higher than 15 cm is a fire hazard. Weeds eventually grow into your neighbours’ yards too!

4.) No inoperable vehicles should be stored in the yard or taking up street parking.

5.) Do not block the view of traffic and sidewalks by not keeping your hedges trimmed.

6.) Frequent yard sales. A few times a year is fantastic, but every weekend becomes an eye soar. It increases traffic and parking and not all neighbours want to see your personal belongings all over your yard and driveway on a regular basis.

7.) Parking violations.

8.) Tree danger.

9.) Avoid leaving snow on the sidewalk.

10.) Encroaching on a neighbour’s yard.

11.) Avoid accumulation of materials.

12.) Unsightly conditions, maintenance, and repair

For more information, take a look at the Responsible Pet Ownership, the Community Standards Bylaws, or the Good Neighbour Practices Reference Guide found at www.calgary.ca.

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