Rutland Park Development and Traffic Report for July


I would just like to highlight what has been happening/going on behind the scenes this past month, in no particular order:

While we are extremely disappointed that the Richmond Green Regional Park baseball diamonds have been sold, we are appreciative that the developer is reaching out early with regards to community engagement. We have indicated that we want to see plans that are within both the density (number of units) and heights that are already set for the site. We have also asked that a small retail component be considered for the northwest corner of the site on 33 Ave to activate the site and help with traffic calming. We have asked that the entrance and egress points for the site be addressed to minimize the impact on current residents. In addition, we have asked that as much parking be provided as possible. We look forward to working with the developer to complete this vision. Hopefully you have taken the opportunity to provide feedback at

Blanket citywide rezoning to R-CG. Calgary City Council has approved blanket rezoning to R-CG. There were some additional recommendations made to Administration, but these will have limited impact on the R-CG land use itself. A motion was also made to require only .5 parking stalls per unit for any R-CG development in our areas. The base land use will now allow for up to eight dwelling units (with small scale commercial use) on a standard lot, with a requirement for only four parking stalls.

The low-density section of our community is still covered by Restrictive Covenants. Other communities have recently been adding restrictive covenants to their lots to prevent R-CG developments from taking over their communities. Restrictive Covenants are a provincial matter and override municipal land use. Enforcement is done by lawyers through the Provincial Courts. The RPCA supports these RCs as part of our Development Guidelines, but is not a landowner, so will not provide funding to uphold these covenants.

Community Cleanup on September 29. Just a heads up that our assigned Community Cleanup day this year is Sunday, September 29 at the Skateshack. Having a fall cleanup will be a new thing for us. Thank you, Sue H. and Chantal O. for organizing again this year!

At this point they have yet to secure all of the necessary support teams, but they are hoping we will have a very similar structure to last year. Our partnership with Shanked E-cycling, which is located in Currie Barracks is confirmed. They have helped us set up a grant application again this year which generates funds for the community. Last year we made $348 so please save up your e-waste for this day, especially large screens, computers, printers scanners, fax machines, etc. We have also secured the support of the Calgary Drop-In Centre. Their greatest needs include beds, couches, dressers, kitchen tables, small appliances, and laptops. They are also in need of new hygiene supplies and underwear in addition to regular clothing and personal items.

Please reach out to Sue H. at [email protected] if you are able to volunteer for this event.

Hall update. We are still awaiting a final decision from the insurance company with regards to our hall floor collapse. We have engaged legal counsel to try and expedite this process, as it has been dragging on for well over a year. At least discussions are underway at this point, so hopefully we will have a final determination in the not-too-distant future. The hall will remain closed until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Neighbour Day thanks. Thank you, Danny Greene and Chantal O. for organizing our Neighbour Day event this year! Thank you as well to all of the other volunteers who helped make it a success. We hope you were able to come out, have some fun, and meet your neighbours. With the hall being closed, we need to make the most of these gatherings.

Volunteer board member needed. Mark Y. continues to act as the Infrastructure designate for our community and we really need someone to take over this position and oversee our facilities. Please email [email protected] if you are able to join our team!

Have a safe and wonderful summer! The board does not usually meet in July and August, but we do regularly check our email if you need to get in touch with us.

If you have not already signed up for our email updates, please do so at our website, The City often gives us very short notice for upcoming events, and this is the quickest way for us to reach you. Please also join us on our Facebook page by searching Rutland Park Community Association.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Leanne Ellis

Executive VP and Development and Traffic

[email protected]

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