Help Keep Hawkwood’s LEAF Program Alive!


We Need Your Vote to Keep Our LEAF Program Alive!

Tuesday, October 8, 4:00 to 8:00 pm

Uplands Recreation Centre

Have you experienced and felt the beauty and serenity of Hawkwood’s flower displays lining our streets and entrances? Have you simply enjoyed spending valuable time in our caringly groomed parks and greenspaces with family, friends, or solo? Does the greenery and spice of our winter displays provide a little warmth on those cold winter days?

Hawkwood Community Association’s LEAF Program provides all of this and more!

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Hawkwood residents endured a growing deterioration of our community from its age and ever dwindling parks services. In 2004, Hawkwood homeowners subsequently voted strongly in favour of implementing our LEAF program. Community volunteers with the Hawkwood Community Association direct the program and oversight is provided by the City of Calgary. Our program’s success has inspired growth to 11 additional communities within Calgary.

For a once-per-year tax levy of $73.91 (for 2024) collected with our property taxes, 100% of these funds is directly used to provide:

• Flowers in 88 large flowerpots throughout the community

• Winter features in all 88 flowerpots

• Weekly mowing of all 62 greenspaces and parks in Hawkwood

• Watering of medians during prolonged dry weather

• Weekly litter pickup and inspection of the 62 greenspaces and parks

• Irrigation in eligible small parks

• Spring and Autumn cleanup of all greenspaces and parks

• Liaising with Calgary Parks on improvements, efficiencies, and policies

• Fast response times with 3-1-1 or other parks related concerns

• Customized administration of the program

Since the LEAF program’s implementation, Hawkwood has enjoyed many benefits, including at a minimum:

• The only part of our property tax of which 100% goes directly back into Hawkwood

• In addition to our contribution, Calgary Parks grants Hawkwood the money they would have spent in our parks, work which the Hawkwood Community Association now carries out at 1/3 of the cost

• The benefit of flexibility and customization of care in our parks

• Reduced vandalism (taking care of the “Broken Windows” theory)

• Increased desirability of real estate purchases in Hawkwood

• Inspires homeowners to take pride in their own landscaping and yard care

• Creates a wonderful feeling to come home to!

Every five years, communities with LEAF Programs are required to confirm program participation by holding a public vote, open for all homeowners who pay the levy.

We know our schedules can be hectic, but please consider showing your support for keeping the program alive! Your vote to keep the program matters a lot and it is simple to do.

Please stop by the Uplands Recreation Center on Tuesday, October 8, anytime between 4:00 and 8:00 pm to submit your vote.

Please bring a copy of your Property Tax form and matching Government Issued Identification to ensure you are the owner of the property to vote.

There will be information and people to answer all your questions on hand.

Please watch for the community entrance signs, and our website,, for reminders and updates as the vote approaches. We look forward to seeing you and hearing any feedback you may have a well. This is your program! This is your Hawkwood!


Click here to the Hawkwood Community News home page for the latest Hawkwood community updates.


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