Deer Ridge’s Message from the Board for September

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Can you believe the summer is already over and it’s time for our kiddos to head back to school? How did the lovely days of summer go by so quickly?

September Back-to-School Safety

Do you remember how exciting the very first day of school was? And all the first days back to school each year after that? Kids these days are just as excited as we were, and they may be even more distracted – there are new friends and old, both in person and on cell phones, and in their excitement the kids may not be fully aware of traffic around them, Let’s be extra cautious this month and watch for the little ones, and the bigger ones, too, as we drive through the neighbourhood.

Movie in the Park

Our Movie in the Park event was once again a great success. A great big thank you goes out to our wonderful volunteers who set up the equipment, organized and staffed the entertainment stations and the food and beverage tables, and then cleaned up and tore down the equipment. A shout out also to our great sponsors whose important contributions helped make it possible to put on this event, and our great appreciation to Mr. Bob Hall for organizing. A special thank you to each and every one of you who attended – without you, there would be no Movie in the Park!

Community Garden Update

Community garden members have enjoyed another great year of growing their own organic vegetables. This year several of the bed enclosures were renewed, and new metal-sheathed beds were built. And have you noticed that we now have several trees planted along the north and south ends of the community garden? Thank you to Bob Hall and the garden volunteers who did all the extra work for the improvements we’ve realized this season. Your hard work benefits not only the gardeners, but everyone who stops by for a little rest on the benches or admires the gardens on their walks through the area.

Garden members, please watch for an email letting you know when the end of season garden cleanup event will be scheduled to take place. The garden cleanup is as much an enjoyable end of season social event, as an opportunity to collectively put the beds to sleep for the winter, so be sure to join your fellow gardeners and attend that day.

Membership Renewals

The Deer Ridge Community Association membership year runs from September 1 through August 31 of each year. Now is the time to purchase a new membership or renew, for a full year of benefits. Memberships are still only $15 per household. You can sign up online on our website at, or by using the form included in this newsletter.

Fall Board Meetings

Community Association board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month, at 7:00 pm. The first board meeting of the fall season will be held on September 17, 2024, location to be announced. Please let us know if you would like to attend and we will provide you with the details.

Click here to the Deer Ridge Community News home page for the latest Deer Ridge community updates.


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