Hidden Valley’s Message on Think Pink Month

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October is breast cancer awareness month. A woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every two minutes which is why breast self-exams are so important! Observing breast cancer awareness is simple:

1. Share a Story – Whether you are a cancer survivor, a family member, a caregiver or medical professional do an online search and read up on all the online and social media platforms on breast cancer awareness month. Share your story on what you’ve learned and feel proud that you are one more person who’s helping bring awareness.

2. Think Pink – Pink is the colour for breast cancer awareness. Whether you wear pink, dress in a pink wig or change your website background to pink for the month, it’s a simple way to show your support for the fight against breast cancer.

3. Raise some Money – Whether you choose to fundraise or donate it all helps to fund breast cancer research.

Breast cancer awareness month promotes self-care, raises awareness and allows people to share their stories and triumphs. So, warm-up the old hands and treat your “ladies” right by doing a breast self-exam!

Breast Cancer Facts

• Breast cancer doesn’t discriminate – anyone can develop breast cancer

• Breast cancer baffles scientists – the left breast tends to develop cancer more often than the right breast.

• Breast cancer surgery was a trailblazer – the first operation that used anaesthesia to deaden pain was during a breast cancer surgery.

• Men get it too – 1% of males are diagnosed with breast cancer.

• 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer during her lifetime and 1 in 31 will die from it.

• Nun’s disease – at one time, breast cancer was referred to as the ‘Nun’s disease’ because it seemed to afflict more nuns than women in the general population.

For more information visit www.cancer.ca or www.albertacancer.ca.

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