Attention WSCR Residents: Reduce The Fire Risk Around Your Home

WestSprings cn

Do not store propane tanks, firewood or yard waste next to your house.

Prune all tree branches within two metres of the ground and plant new trees at least three metres apart.

Assess potential fire hazards within 1.5 metres of your home, including natural debris, trees, and other structures.

It is imperative that every family has a home escape plan that is practiced twice per year. In a typical home fire, you may have as little as two minutes to escape from the time the smoke alarm sounds. Knowing how to use those minutes can make a lifesaving difference.

A home escape plan contains the layout of your home, the escape routes that should be used, and where to meet once you are outside. It is important to create and practice an escape plan with everyone who lives in your home so that they know what to do if there is a fire. For more information on fire prevention and fire safety, please visit

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