West Hillhurst’s Green Committee – The Aphid Problem

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The danger of climate change is that as the weather changes, environmental systems are disturbed, and otherwise stable ecosystems may be knocked out of balance. There are major examples and minor examples of this, and one minor example we saw this summer was the city’s aphid infestation.

Due to a combination of factors like the heightened heat and frequent rainfall within Calgary this summer, the city became a host to perfect conditions for aphids. Because they have the ability to reproduce asexually, aphid populations multiplied with remarkable speed and left park grounds and sidewalks sticky with their excrement known as ‘honeydew’ (the honeydew on the ground is indeed their fecal matter – they consume sap, though they can’t always process all of it, so they expel it.)

Fortunately, this aphid infestation has had relatively low consequences on the surrounding environment because aphids don’t pose a great threat to local environment stability even in greater numbers. Though the infestation still did impede on ideal conditions for many plants and became a great nuisance to the human Calgary residents who have been finding honeydew on their shoes, clothes, and pets.

As the weather shifts with the changing seasons, the aphid population is predicted to return to normal numbers, and the problem will resolve. But after all of this, the question is posed: can we forget about this problem, which was inconvenient at most, or was this a warning manifestation of a much larger issue that should not be ignored?

If you’d like to learn more about what you can do for the environment or be a part of projects in West Hillhurst targeting climate change and other environmental issues, join the WHCA green committee!

Email us at [email protected].

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