Haysboro’s President’s Message for October

Haysboro cn

Hello Haysboro,

This past September, I hope you were able to attend the Haysboro Happening at the hall. It was a great opportunity for community and association members to connect and learn more about the HCA. We hope to have more similar events soon.

The Board of Directors, after summer vacations, found a new groove in September to take on a few items. Enmax continued work on the solar panels; we dusted off the HCA business plan which is scheduled for an update; finished off the building condition assessment; and our planning committee was busy engaging members with the hope to establish a forum to discuss planning development in the community.

Many thanks to our board members and volunteers. Your commitment to community-building continues to make Haysboro a great place to live.

Happy October. My family and I look forward to seeing some of you on Halloween!


HCA President

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