Oakridge Bingo Volunteers


Are you looking for a fun way to give back to your community? The Oakridge Community Association is looking for volunteers to help with bingo shifts, and we would love your support!

Volunteering for a bingo shift is a great way to meet your neighbours, contribute to the success of our community, and help raise funds for essential programs and activities. Plus, as a token of our appreciation, you’ll receive Oakridge Bingo Bucks! These can be used for a wide variety of programs and activities at the community centre, as well as with local vendors like Hungry Thaiger, Zumba With Dancing Heals, Line Dancing With Mary, and even Calgary Recreation.

Whether you’re passionate about fitness, food, or just love to stay active, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. By volunteering, you’re helping us keep these programs going strong while enjoying some fun perks of your own!

Sign up for a bingo shift today and be a part of the positive change happening right here in Oakridge. Let’s build a stronger community together, one bingo shift at a time!

To sign up for a volunteer shift visit www.oakridgecommunity.ca/volunteer.

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