Edgemont’s President’s Message for November

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November 11 is Remembrance Day. It is the day we give special acknowledgement to the soldiers who made it their calling to fight for the freedom that Canadians enjoy. There are several ceremonies throughout the city, one of which will be held at the Field of Crosses on Memorial Drive. The display of crosses, each emblazoned with the name of a veteran, is a very tangible reminder of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Buy a poppy. Wear a poppy. Remember. Thank a veteran.

As you may recall, I introduced the concept of community asset mapping in October. The group has held its first walk around Edgemont and is planning more. The mapping initiative will extend over the next several months with the goal of uncovering neighbourhood strengths, getting to know each other better, and working together to make our community even stronger. You can get involved as a volunteer on our organizing committee, help identify neighbourhood gems through upcoming block walks, create your own mini map reflecting the favourite parts of your neighbourhood, or help build larger interactive maps that bring together the insights we’ll gather. Want to learn more? Contact Joey Nowak ([email protected]).

November seems to be the launching point of arts and crafts markets and in Edgemont, it’s no exception. Our Winter Market will be held on November 16 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at the community centre. Admission is free for attendees with the hope that you will bring a donation to the Calgary Food Bank. More information is posted on the ECA website.

The ELM committee has plans in place for our winter displays to go in the plant pots around the neighbourhood. We like to get those displays up before we get too much frost. However, the frost locks the materials in place until the very early spring, so it has its role to play too. The committee tries to use as much natural materials as possible and considers the length of time that those materials hold their colour and shape. We try to keep the displays looking vibrant for as long as we can, and the committee gets many compliments from residents who enjoy a boost to the holiday season.

MLA Julia Hayter has launched a program to collect diapers and feminine hygiene products for those who need them. ECA strongly supports this effort. We know from our work with the Calgary Food Bank how necessary these items are and how often they are set aside when a family must make tough decisions about its budget. You can support this program by dropping items off at either the Edgemont Community Centre or Julia’s constituency office (202-1829 Ranchlands Blvd NW, Calgary, AB T3G 2A7). We accept both products and financial contributions to this cause.

It won’t be long until we are setting up the outdoor rink for the season and we need some volunteers to give us a hand. Here’s the task:

• Ice Makers and Junior Ice Makers (kids/youth): Assist with simple tasks when you come to play, e.g. throw snow over boards if some is piled inside, pick up garbage and shovels.

• Shifts are generally from 8:00 to 10:00 am.

Whether you’re super into skating/hockey or just interested in learning about how the magic of the rink comes to life, this is a great chance to jump in. Please email either [email protected] or [email protected].

Christmas hampers are on our minds, and we are challenged this year to come up with sufficient resources to support hampers for all the families in our subdivision who need a helping hand. We need help from the community to make this “magic” happen. If you are a company with a business in Edgemont, please consider being a good corporate partner by providing a donation, either funds, services, or products. If you are a resident, any donation of any size will go a long way. We also will need helping hands to put those hampers together and get them delivered. Can we count on you? Do you happen to be in a situation where you have some resources to put toward assisting those in our community who deal with food insecurity and simply not enough money coming in the door to meet daily needs? The holidays are a special time for families to celebrate and it’s hard to celebrate when necessities always take first place. Remember, if you have more resources than your neighbour, instead of building a higher fence, why not build a longer table. Share what you can and bring a smile to a child’s face. Information about donations will be on the ECA website, you can call the office at 403-239-1211 or email [email protected].

Pamela Wilson


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