Upcoming Events in Highland Park

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Seniors’ Luncheon

We are still searching for a new Seniors’ Luncheon Coordinator to take the lead for this program. This could be a shared role between more than one person. The coordinator role involves contacting Fresh Start (whose chef does all the cooking) regarding the menu for that upcoming month’s meal, then liaising with other volunteers to contact the seniors on our list to confirm whether they will attend the luncheon, then providing the final planned attendance numbers to Fresh Start, so they can make sufficient quantities of the meal for us. The role also involves confirming which of our existing crew of volunteers are available to set up, serve, and clean up on the day of the luncheon. The estimated time commitment for this role is six to eight hours per month, with most of those hours in the week or two prior to the luncheon. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Anne, at [email protected] to get more information about this role, or to step forward to help fill these shoes. Training will be provided. We are hoping to have one or more volunteers in place to fill this role so we can hold a luncheon in November and December.

Community Market

Saturday, December 7, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. We invite you to join us at Highland Park’s third annual Winter Market. There will be a variety of local artisan crafts available for purchase, which will be a perfect chance to shop for holiday gifts and add unique items to your personal style. We’ll also be offering several free family activities (holiday crafts, photo booth, games) and a food concession. Volunteers can sign up here: https://signup.com/go/WdqCUXx. Interested vendors should register before November 7 with [email protected].

Outdoor Rink

We’d like to start laying down the foundation for our outdoor rink in early December, so it can be fully operational by Christmas. To that end, we are looking for some additional volunteers to help clear snow and flood the ice. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Buchanan Skating Week

January 27 to 30 from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. Buchanan students will once again be using HPCA’s outdoor rink and the Skate Shack for free skate rental for their Phys ed periods. We expect we’ll need volunteers to help make and serve hot chocolate to the skaters after their time slot. Contact [email protected] for more information. Save the Date: Saturday, February 1 will be HPCA’s planned Community Skating Day, with access to skates from the Skate Shack. More details to come.

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