Newly Elected CCLA Board of Directors

Cedarbrae cn

On November 13, the members of CCLA elected a new board of directors for the 2024/2025 term. Eight people have stepped forward to steer the community centre along with a new General Manager, Ariel McDuff. A new Program Director, Paige Scalet, along with our new Recreational Assistant, Ethan Minde have joined the team. Please make them all feel welcome.

The board and our new staff will be working together to move the centre forward with regular programs. We will spend the next year enhancing the Recreational Pickleball program. Special events already in the works are Winterfest, Stampede Luncheon, Community Cleanup, and starting some teen programs. Yes, even bringing back the meet the neighbour family nights and the ever-popular Jellybean dances. We all have the best interests of Cedarbrae and its members, and community spirit in mind.

If you have any suggestions for a special event or program you would like to see at the centre, reach out either in person or via email at [email protected]. If you would like to volunteer to organize an activity, let us know!

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